One grey color luxury car is shown.

What should I know before I buy a used luxury car?

Tips on Financing a Used Luxury Vehicle: Make Your Dream Car a Reality

When you’re searching for a used luxury vehicle, there’s a lot to consider beyond just the car itself. From deciding on the make and model to determining your budget, the process of buying a pre-owned luxury vehicle requires careful thought. At Axis Motorcars, we offer a quality selection of used luxury vehicles, and we’re here to guide you through the steps of financing a used luxury vehicle. Let’s break down some essential tips that will help you make a smart decision when financing your dream car.

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One blue color luxury car is running on the road.

Where can I find pre-owned luxury crossovers?

Used Luxury SUV Models in Jersey City NJ 

If you love crossovers and SUV models, we have what you’re looking for. Here at Axis Motorcars, we offer lots of different used luxury SUV models to meet your needs. If you want to upgrade to a luxury vehicle but are on a budget, we can offer quality vehicles for you. Let’s show you where you can find used luxury SUV models in Jersey City NJ.  

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One red color car is running on the road.

Can you still buy cars in New Jersey during the coronavirus pandemic?

Used car curbside and at-home deliveries in Jersey City NJ

There is no question that the world has completely changed, with the coronavirus COVID-19 pandemic drastically altering how we all go about our daily lives. While it is important to follow the advice of health experts and officials and stay at home as much as possible to help stop the spread of the virus, that has undoubtedly thrown off things you may have been planning or need to do now or in the near future. If you’re in a situation where you cannot count on your current vehicle anymore and badly need to upgrade, please know that you do still have options during these uncertain times. Used car curbside and at-home deliveries in Jersey City, NJ are possible, and Axis Motorcars wants to help get you into a better ride. 

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One grey color car is parked.

Will your vehicle’s battery die if you don’t drive it enough?

How often should I drive my car during quarantine?

In these uncertain times amid the coronavirus pandemic and stay-at-home orders enacted across much of the country, including here in New Jersey, many questions arise, even ones that you may not have thought about before a lot of the world stopped what it was doing to stay inside. Some such questions that might come up are, will your vehicle’s battery die if you don’t drive it enough? Is it okay to leave your vehicle in your garage or driveway for such a long time without using it? If you are asking yourself, “How often should I drive my car during quarantine,” we looked into it for you. 

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One red color Toyota Camry car is parked.

What can you do while staying safe indoors?

Things to do online while self-isolating in Jersey City

We are in an unprecedented time with the coronavirus upending our daily lives as we know them. It is vital to be listening to the health and medical experts while staying safe indoors as much as possible and practicing good hygiene. When being indoors so often, it can sometimes feel cumbersome or tiresome, especially if you are not used to being inside this much. Let’s look at a few things to do online while self-isolating in Jersey City.  Read the rest of this entry >>

One grey color BMW car is shown.

How can you get a new or used vehicle while staying at home?

Shopping for cars while social distancing

The times are bizarre and scary right now, with the coronavirus COVID-19 taking over headlines and our lives. All across the country, life is coming to a standstill in an effort to help slow the spread of the virus, and while that is a good thing in order to help keep everyone safe and help prevent hospitals from getting overwhelmed, it is obviously upending our routines and how we go about daily activities. When you stay home to self-isolate to prevent contracting or spreading the virus, you can actually do quite a few different things. Shopping for cars while social distancing is one of them, and we have tools to assist you.  Read the rest of this entry >>