5 Myths Around Buying a Used Vehicle
The pre-owned vehicle business is booming at an exponential rate as we speak. Drivers who are budget conscious but who are interested in owning a good vehicle are now opting to buy used vehicles over new ones. This trend has picked up momentum over the past few years.
That being said, the challenge faced by customers who prefer used vehicles is to spot a genuine dealer who sells pre-owned vehicles that are in great condition and of popular car brands. This is where we at Axis Motorcars in Jersey City, NJ, come into the picture. We have a great collection of pre-owned vehicles, all belonging to famous household brands. These are available at affordable price points too.
5 Common Myths Around Purchasing Used Vehicles
Pre-owned vehicles represent a spectrum of options such as trade-ups, leases, repossessed cars, and more. These can be in great condition too, and not all are spit-shined junk. There are a host of misconceptions revolving around buying used vehicles. Some of them are purely made-up and need to be quashed. The following are the top five myths and their negations.
- Used Vehicles are mostly junk and they are already past their expiry duration – just poor word of mouth without any research.
- Customers end up paying more than these vehicles are worth – Purchasing from genuine dealers can ensure this does not happen at all.
- Used vehicles are not safe – Again, good genuine dealerships have their own testing processes before making a vehicle sale-ready.
- Used vehicles have very poor resale value – Used cars do not mean junk, as mentioned in point one. People have a host of reasons to sell their cars.
- Payment for used vehicles has to be done in cash only – This is a clear red flag if some dealer follows this. Good dealerships have lease and financing options for used vehicles too.
[Read: Used Vehicles at Axis Motorcars]

Buy Used Vehicles of Popular Brands in Jersey City, NJ
Come over to Axis Motorcars in Jersey City, NJ, and check out our massive pre-owned vehicle inventory.